NonGNU ELPA Packages

adoc-mode0.7.0a major-mode for editing AsciiDoc files28%
afternoon-theme0.1Dark color theme with a deep blue background26%
alect-themes0.10Configurable light, dark and black themes for Emacs 24 or later22%
ample-theme0.3.0Calm Dark Theme for Emacs38%
annotate2.2.2annotate files without changing them50%
anti-zenburn-theme2.5.1Low-contrast Zenburn-inverted theme15%
anzu0.64Show number of matches in mode-line while searching56%
apache-mode2.2.0Major mode for editing Apache httpd configuration files23%
apropospriate-theme0.2.0A light & dark theme set for Emacs.37%
arduino-mode1.3.1Major mode for editing Arduino code23%
auto-dim-other-buffers2.1.1Makes windows without focus less prominent11%
autothemer0.2.18Conveniently define themes62%
base321.0Base32 support26%
bash-completion3.1.1Bash completion for the shell buffer35%
beancount0.9A major mode to edit Beancount input files.26%
better-jumper1.0.1configurable jump list13%
bind-map1.1.2Bind personal keymaps in multiple locations47%
bison-mode0.4Major mode for editing bison, yacc and lex files.47%
blow1.0Blow away mode lighters12%
blueprint-ts-mode0.0.3tree-sitter support for Blueprint files31%
boxquote2.3Quote text with a semi-box.13%
buttercup1.35Behavior-Driven Emacs Lisp Testing51%
camera0.3Take picture with your camera17%
caml4.9Caml mode for GNU Emacs52%
cdlatex4.18.4Fast input methods for LaTeX environments and math50%
cider1.15.1Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks74%
clojure-mode5.19.0Major mode for Clojure code84%
clojure-ts-mode0.2.2Major mode for Clojure code29%
coffee-mode0.6.3Major mode for CoffeeScript code30%
consult-flycheck1.0Provides the command `consult-flycheck'33%
corfu-terminal0.7Corfu popup on terminal92%
crux0.5.0A Collection of Ridiculously Useful eXtensions28%
csv2ledger1.5.4Convert csv files to ledger entries51%
cyberpunk-theme1.22Cyberpunk Color Theme30%
cycle-at-point0.2Cycle (rotate) the thing under the cursor14%
d-mode202405290611D Programming Language major mode for (X)Emacs31%
dart-mode1.0.7Major mode for editing Dart files23%
denote-refs0.1.2Show links and backlinks in Denote notes29%
devhelp1.0Browse documentation in Devhelp format12%
devil0.6.0Minor mode for translating key sequences32%
diff-ansi0.2Display diff's using alternative diffing tools17%
doc-show-inline0.1Show doc-strings found in external files13%
dockerfile-mode1.7Major mode for editing Docker's Dockerfiles70%
dracula-theme1.8.2Dracula Theme65%
drupal-mode0.7.4Advanced minor mode for Drupal development8%
dslide0.5.3Domain Specific sLIDEs. A presentation framework31%
eat0.9.4Emulate A Terminal, in a region, in a buffer and in Eshell96%
edit-indirect0.1.13Edit regions in separate buffers23%
editorconfig0.11.0EditorConfig Emacs Plugin78%
elixir-mode2.5.0Major mode for editing Elixir files54%
elpher3.6.2A friendly gopher and gemini client50%
engine-mode2.2.4Define and query search engines20%
evil1.15.0extensible vi layer89%
evil-anzu0.2anzu for evil-mode41%
evil-args1.1Motions and text objects for delimited arguments in Evil.43%
evil-escape3.16Escape from anything with a customizable key sequence26%
evil-exchange0.41Exchange text more easily within Evil40%
evil-goggles0.0.2Add a visual hint to evil operations48%
evil-iedit-state1.3Evil states to interface iedit mode.37%
evil-indent-plus1.0.1Evil textobjects based on indentation41%
evil-lisp-state8.2An evil state to edit Lisp code38%
evil-matchit3.0.4Vim matchit ported to Evil64%
evil-nerd-commenter3.6.1Comment/uncomment lines efficiently. Like Nerd Commenter in Vim65%
evil-numbers0.7Increment/decrement numbers like in VIM55%
evil-surround1.0.4emulate surround.vim from Vim56%
evil-visual-mark-mode0.0.5Display evil marks on buffer45%
evil-visualstar0.2.0Starts a * or # search from the visual selection45%
exec-path-from-shell2.2Get environment variables such as $PATH from the shell68%
flx0.6.2fuzzy matching with good sorting47%
flx-ido0.6.2flx integration for ido41%
flycheck34.1On-the-fly syntax checking83%
flymake-guile0.5Guile flymake backend13%
flymake-kondor0.1.3Linter with clj-kondo12%
flymake-popon0.5.1Flymake diagnostics on cursor hover31%
focus1.0.1Dim the font color of text in surrounding sections14%
forth-mode0.2Programming language mode for Forth18%
free-keys1.0Show free keybindings for modkeys or prefixes9%
gc-buffers1.0Kill garbage buffers automatically12%
geiser0.31GNU Emacs and Scheme talk to each other75%
geiser-chez0.18Chez and Geiser talk to each other23%
geiser-chibi0.17Chibi Scheme's implementation of the geiser protocols17%
geiser-chicken0.17Chicken's implementation of the geiser protocols12%
geiser-gambit0.18.1Gambit's implementation of the geiser protocols15%
geiser-gauche0.0.2Gauche scheme support for Geiser8%
geiser-guile0.28.1Guile and Geiser talk to each other57%
geiser-kawa0.0.1Kawa scheme support for Geiser7%
geiser-mit0.15MIT/GNU Scheme's implementation of the geiser protocols16%
geiser-racket0.16Support for Racket in Geiser17%
geiser-stklos1.8STklos Scheme implementation of the geiser protocols19%
git-commit3.3.0Edit Git commit messages90%
git-modes1.4.3Major modes for editing Git configuration files47%
gnu-apl-mode1.5.1Emacs mode for GNU APL15%
gnu-indent1.0Indent your code with GNU Indent8%
gnuplot0.8.1Major-mode and interactive frontend for gnuplot47%
go-mode1.6.0Major mode for the Go programming language71%
golden-ratio1.0.1Automatic resizing of Emacs windows to the golden ratio53%
gotham-theme1.1.9A very dark Emacs color theme14%
goto-chg1.7.5Go to last change18%
gptel0.9.0Interact with ChatGPT or other LLMs58%
graphql-mode1.0.0Major mode for editing GraphQL schemas16%
gruber-darker-theme0.7Gruber Darker color theme for Emacs 24.23%
gruvbox-theme1.30.1A retro-groove colour theme for Emacs62%
guru-mode1.0Become an Emacs guru10%
haml-mode3.2.1Major mode for editing Haml files24%
haskell-mode17.5A Haskell editing mode66%
haskell-tng-mode0.0.1Major mode for editing Haskell13%
helm3.9.9Helm is an Emacs incremental and narrowing framework76%
helm-core3.9.9Development files for Helm71%
hideshowvis0.8Fringe markers for regions foldable by hideshow.el44%
highlight-parentheses2.2.2Highlight surrounding parentheses59%
hl-block-mode0.2Highlighting nested blocks14%
hl-column1.0Highlight the current column11%
htmlize1.56Convert buffer text and decorations to HTML.60%
hyperdrive0.3P2P filesystem28%
idle-highlight-mode1.1.4Highlight the word the point is on12%
idris-mode1.1.0Major mode for editing Idris code18%
iedit0. multiple regions in the same way simultaneously.51%
inf-clojure3.2.1Run an external Clojure process in an Emacs buffer16%
inf-ruby2.8.1Run a Ruby process in a buffer25%
inkpot-theme0.1A port of vim's inkpot theme8%
iwindow1.1Interactively manipulate windows16%
j-mode2.0.1Major mode for editing J programs10%
jade-mode1.0.1Major mode for editing .jade files6%
jinja2-mode0.3A major mode for jinja216%
julia-mode0.4Major mode for editing Julia source code46%
keycast1.4.0Show current command and its binding35%
kotlin-mode2.0.0Major mode for kotlin26%
lorem-ipsum0.4Insert dummy pseudo Latin text51%
lua-mode20221027a major-mode for editing Lua scripts59%
macrostep0.9.4Interactive macro expander78%
magit3.3.0A Git porcelain inside Emacs93%
magit-section3.3.0Sections for read-only buffers92%
markdown-mode2.6Major mode for Markdown-formatted text92%
mastodon1.0.24Client for fediverse services using the Mastodon API37%
material-theme2015A Theme based on the colors of the Google Material Design21%
mentor0.5Frontend for the rTorrent bittorrent client41%
meow1.4.5Yet Another modal editing49%
minibar0.3Modular status bar in minibuffer15%
moe-theme1.0.2A colorful eye-candy theme. Moe, moe, kyun!26%
monokai-theme3.5.3A fruity color theme for Emacs.35%
mpv0.2.0control mpv for easy note-taking18%
multiple-cursors1.4.0Multiple cursors for emacs.66%
nasm-mode1.1.1NASM x86 assembly major mode15%
nginx-mode1.1.10major mode for editing nginx config files26%
nix-mode1.5.0Major mode for editing .nix files44%
oblivion-theme0.1A port of GEdit oblivion theme10%
opam-switch-mode1.7Select OCaml opam switches via a menu20%
org-auto-tangle0.6.0Automatically and Asynchronously tangles org files on save30%
org-contrib0.4.2Unmaintained add-ons for Org-mode97%
org-drill2.7.0Self-testing using spaced repetition38%
org-journal2.2.0a simple org-mode based journaling mode37%
org-mime0.3.2org html export for text/html MIME emails36%
org-present0.1Minimalist presentation minor-mode for Emacs org-mode.33%
org-superstar1.5.1Prettify headings and plain lists in Org mode62%
org-transclusion-http0.4Transclude over HTTP38%
org-tree-slide2.8.22A presentation tool for org-mode26%
orgit1.9.0Support for Org links to Magit buffers31%
p4-16-mode0.3Support for the P4_16 programming language12%
package-lint0.23A linting library for elisp package authors33%
pacmacs0.1.1Pacman for Emacs14%
page-break-lines0.15Display ^L page breaks as tidy horizontal lines13%
paredit26minor mode for editing parentheses64%
parseclj1.1.1Clojure/EDN parser52%
parseedn1.2.1Clojure/EDN parser52%
pcmpl-args0.1.3Enhanced shell command completion11%
pcre2el1.12regexp syntax converter60%
pdf-tools1.1.0Support library for PDF documents77%
php-mode1.25.1Major mode for editing PHP code62%
popon0.13"Pop" floating text "on" a window94%
popup0.5.9Visual Popup User Interface73%
projectile2.8.0Manage and navigate projects in Emacs easily82%
proof-general4.5A generic Emacs interface for proof assistants33%
prop-menu0.1.2Create and display a context menu based on text and overlay properties8%
racket-mode1.0.20240718.150548Racket editing, REPL, and more66%
rainbow-delimiters2.1.5Highlight brackets according to their depth77%
raku-mode0.2.1Major mode for editing Raku code11%
recomplete0.2Immediately (re)complete actions11%
reformatter0.8Define commands which run reformatters on the current buffer37%
request0.3.3Compatible layer for URL request in Emacs71%
rfc-mode1.4.2RFC document browser and viewer16%
rubocop0.6.0An Emacs interface for RuboCop8%
rust-mode1.0.5A major-mode for editing Rust source code80%
sass-mode3.0.16Major mode for editing Sass files18%
scad-mode94.0A major mode for editing OpenSCAD code23%
scala-mode0.23Major mode for editing Scala18%
scroll-on-drag0.1Interactive scrolling.11%
scroll-on-jump0.2Scroll when jumping to a new point12%
sesman0.3.2Generic Session Manager46%
shellcop0.1.0Analyze info&error in shell-mode13%
slime2.30Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs75%
sly1.0.43Sylvester the Cat's Common Lisp IDE55%
smartparens1.11.0Automatic insertion, wrapping and paredit-like navigation with user defined pairs.71%
solarized-theme2.0.1The Solarized color theme49%
spacemacs-theme0.2Color theme with a dark and light versions.33%
spell-fu0.3Fast & light spelling highlighter14%
sqlite30.17Direct access to the core SQLite3 API15%
stylus-mode1.0.1Major mode for editing .styl files6%
subatomic-theme1.8.2Low contrast bluish color theme13%
subed1.2.14A major mode for editing subtitles69%
sweeprolog0.27.5Embedded SWI-Prolog58%
swift-mode9.1.0Major-mode for Apple's Swift programming language36%
symbol-overlay4.1Highlight symbols with keymap-enabled overlays55%
systemd1.6.1Major mode for editing systemd units47%
tablist1.0Extended tabulated-list-mode62%
tangotango-theme0.0.7Tango Palette color theme for Emacs 24.12%
telephone-line0.5Rewrite of Powerline16%
testcover-mark-line0.3Mark whole line with Testcover11%
textile-mode1.0.0Textile markup editing major mode9%
toc-org1.1add table of contents to org-mode files (formerly, org-toc)56%
totp-auth1.0RFC6238 TOTP9%
treeview1.2.0A generic tree navigation library19%
tuareg3.0.1OCaml mode33%
typescript-mode0.4Major mode for editing typescript53%
ujelly-theme1.2.9Ujelly theme for GNU Emacs 24 (deftheme)10%
undo-fu0.5Undo helper with redo20%
undo-fu-session0.7Persistent undo, available between sessions23%
vc-fossil20230504VC backend for the fossil sofware configuraiton management system13%
vcomplete2.0Visual completions14%
visual-fill-column2.6.3fill-column for visual-line-mode48%
web-mode17.3.19major mode for editing web templates74%
webpaste3.2.2Paste to pastebin-like services10%
wfnames1.2Edit filenames62%
wgrep3.0.0Writable grep buffer and apply the changes to files60%
why-this2.0.4Why is this line here? Ask version control9%
with-editor3.4.0Use the Emacsclient as $EDITOR91%
with-simulated-input3.0A macro to simulate user input non-interactively6%
workroom2.3.1Named rooms for work without irrelevant distracting buffers14%
writegood-mode2.2.0Polish up poor writing on the fly9%
ws-butler0.6Unobtrusively remove trailing whitespace.52%
xah-fly-keys25.9.20240725161125ergonomic modal keybinding minor mode.79%
xkcd1.1View xkcd from Emacs9%
xml-rpc1.6.17An elisp implementation of clientside XML-RPC13%
yaml-mode0.0.16Major mode for editing YAML files80%
yasnippet-snippets1.0Collection of yasnippet snippets66%
zenburn-theme2.8.0A low contrast color theme for Emacs.55%
zig-mode0.0.8A major mode for the Zig programming language36%