NonGNU ELPA - dirvish

dirvish Atom Feed

A modern file manager based on dired mode
dirvish-2.2.7.tar (.sig), 2025-Mar-12, 440 KiB
Alex Lu <>
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To install this package from Emacs, use package-install or list-packages.

Full description

A polished Dired with batteries included

1. Introduction

Dirvish enhances Emacs' built-in Dired mode, providing a visually appealing and highly customizable interface. More than just a facelift, Dirvish delivers a comprehensive suite of features, transforming Dired into a modern and fully functional file manager.

The experience of dirvish is surreal and even bizarre after all these years of trying to use dired. Like how professionals make their craft look easy, dirvish does something similar with how it builds on dired. Dirvish is paradoxical in that it provides a completely different experience while still fundamentally being dired at its core.

– Special thanks to @noctuid for this summary of Dirvish

2. Screenshots




3. Installation

Dirvish is available from Nongnu-Elpa and Melpa. You can install it directly via M-x package-install RET dirvish RET on Emacs 28.1+. After installation, activate Dirvish globally with M-x dirvish-override-dired-mode RET.

4. Quickstart

  • M-x dirvish RET

    Welcome to Dirvish! Use your favorite dired commands here, press q to quit.

  • M-x dirvish-dwim RET

    Works the same as dirvish when the selected window is the only window; otherwise, it avoids occupying the entire frame.

  • M-x dirvish-dispatch RET

    This is a help/cheatsheet menu powered by transient.el, the same library used to implement keyboard-driven menus in Magit and many Dirvish extensions. If you prefer this interaction style, consider binding these menus to dirvish-mode-map. See example config for details.

5. Documentation

For more dirvish customization options and features, see our documentation:

6. Resources

To delve deeper into Dirvish, explore these resources:

7. Acknowledgements

This package draws inspiration from the terminal file manager ranger. Some extensions began as rewrites of packages from dired-hacks, but have since been significantly enhanced.

Code contributions:

Useful advice and discussions:

The name dirvish is a tribute to vim-dirvish.

dirvish.svg dirvish-badge.svg dirvish-badge.svg badge.svg

Old versions

dirvish-2.2.3.tar.lz2025-Mar-0891.7 KiB
dirvish-2.2.0.tar.lz2025-Mar-0791.2 KiB
dirvish-2.1.0.tar.lz2025-Feb-1487.3 KiB
dirvish-2.0.53.tar.lz2024-Nov-2975.5 KiB


1. 2.2.7

1.1. What's changed

  • use different handlers for local / sudo / remote connections
  • responsive & aligned git-msg attribute (github style)
  • support changing display order of some attributes
  • bug fixes for dirvish-subtree

2. 2.2.3

Emergency fixes for 2 bugs in 2.2.0:

  • Error caused by mismatched vc-backend when expanding subtree
  • Incorrect resetting after quitting `dirvish-side`

New feature:

  • `dirvish-quit` now works in all dirvish windows (#309)

3. 2.2.0

3.1. BREAKING Changes

  • preview text files using proxy buffer (#184 #195 #270 #295)
  • replace magick with libvips for faster image preview (#218)
  • use 7-zip for archive preview
  • support font preview

3.2. Other changes

  • dirvish-reuse-session now accepts new value quit and open
  • allow setting dirvish-default-layout to nil
  • add dirvish-subtree-icon-scale-factor user option (#185)
  • fetch vc-info attribute asynchronously
  • add dirvish-inactive face
  • add dirvish-collapse-separator user option (#263)
  • support session|buffer locally attributes and mode-line-format (#286)
  • add dirvish-special-preview-mode and dirvish-misc-mode
  • support dired-find-alternate-file (#186)
  • sort history entries with access time (#265)
  • add dirvish-mode-line-bar-image-width option (#252)

4. 2.1.0

4.1. What's changed

  • Fixed incorrect vc states
  • dirvish-hide-cursors and dirvish-hide-details now support list of symbols
  • A lot of window dedication issues fixed (#194 #258 #262 #264 #293)
  • Mode line errors (#233)
  • Modular directory data fetching (#162 #238)
  • Fixed image preview with dirvish-peek.
  • Performance imporvements with dirvish-side.
  • Respect dired-kill-when-opening-new-dired-buffer.
  • Fixed compatibility issue with find-dired.

4.2. Fixes from community

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