NonGNU ELPA - radio

radio Atom Feed

Listen to Internet radio
radio-0.4.1.tar (.sig), 2025-Mar-05, 20.0 KiB
Roi Martin <>
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To install this package from Emacs, use package-install or list-packages.

Full description

1. Overview

Radio is a GNU Emacs package that enables users to listen to Internet radio stations. Its main focus is in simplicity. It exposes the minimum required interface to interact with a list of radio stations and offloads media playing to an external program configured by the user.

2. Installation

The package is available as radio in NonGNU ELPA. Since the NonGNU package archive is enabled by default, you can easily install it by executing M-x package-install RET radio. Alternatively, you can use M-x list-packages.

3. Configuration

The following configuration variables allow to customize the behavior of the package:


Alist of radio stations.

Elements are of the form (NAME . URL), where NAME is the name of the radio station and URL is the URL of the radio station.


Command used to play a radio station.

The :url keyword is replaced with the URL of the radio station.

The customize interface can be used to configure these variables. Specifically, the radio group contains all the relevant settings.

However, if you prefer to add the configuration into your init file, then the following code can serve as an example:

 '("mpv" "--terminal=no" "--video=no" :url))

 '(("First station" . "")
   ("Second station" . "")))

It sets mpv as media player and registers two radio stations called “First station” and “Second station” with their respective URLs.

4. Usage

Radio is mainly controlled by two commands:


Play a radio station.

When called from Lisp, STATION-NAME must be the name of one of the stations defined in radio-stations-alist.


Stop playing current radio station.

If no station is being played, calling this function has no effect.

When invoked interactively, radio reads the station name from the minibuffer, with completion. Modes like fido-mode can greatly improve user experience.

For users that prefer a more visual interface, there exists a third command:

Display a list of all radio stations.

It opens Radio’s tabulated view, which shows the list of configured radio stations as well as the play symbol next to the one being played. It is controlled through the following key bindings:

Play the selected radio station.
Stop playing the current radio station.

5. Mode Line

Information about the current station can be shown in the mode line by enabling radio-line-mode.

Toggle radio status display in mode line.

Old versions

radio-0.4.0.tar.lz2025-Mar-043.96 KiB
radio-0.3.1.tar.lz2025-Feb-193.88 KiB
radio-0.3.0.tar.lz2025-Feb-173.22 KiB
radio-0.2.1.tar.lz2025-Feb-133.18 KiB
radio-0.2.0.tar.lz2025-Feb-133.19 KiB