NonGNU-devel ELPA - helm-core

helm-core Atom Feed

Development files for Helm
helm-core- (.sig), 2025-Feb-04, 600 KiB
Thierry Volpiatto <>
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Full description

Contains the main code for Helm.
As a package helm-core provides the files helm-core.el, helm-lib.el,
helm-source.el and helm-multi-match.el.

Old versions

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helm-core- 124 KiB
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helm-core- 109 KiB
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1.1. Version 4.0.1-pre

1.1.1. Allow using both all-the-icons and nerd-icons as icon providers

Use the variable `helm-x-icons-provider`.

1.1.2. Add affixations to helm-info

Add a description of info file when using `helm-info` or `info-display-manual`.

1.1.3. Provide minimal support for eww bookmarks
1.1.4. Stop preventing dups when trashing files
1.1.5. Add a helm-add-to-list function for user init file settings
1.1.6. Drop support for deprecated defadvice management
1.1.7. Allow destructuring in helm-acase
1.1.8. Popup-info can be provided in metadata and added to any completion

via the vars `helm-completing-read-command-categories` and `helm-completing-read-extra-metadata`, for example it is now enabled in M-x man.

1.1.9. Maybe provide a popup-info in completion-at-point

If CAPFns provide such information via `completion-extra-properties`, display it in a popup-info when helm-popup-tip-mode is enabled. `helm-lisp-completion-at-point` provides this as well.

1.1.10. Add completion for Char Classes for regexps

This is available in `helm-lisp-completion-at-point`.

1.1.11. Enhance usage of tab-bar-mode from Helm

Previously we were displaying each marked candidate in a tab, now all marked candidates go in same tab. Helm-find-files is now using the same functions as helm-buffers to display its candidates in tab. helm-imenu-all when jumping to a candidate jump to it in its tab if possible.

1.1.12. Access to helm-find-files bookmarks from helm-read-file-name

That's mean that when copying/renaming etc… you can use bookmarks as target.

1.1.13. Fix a bug in query replace in file names

It is now possible to match counter ("\#") inside the replacement string and not only before or after as before.

1.1.14. Fix a bug with dummy sources in file related sources

It is now possible to mark wildcard candidates from unrelated directories.

1.2. Version 4.0

1.2.1. Enhance helm-finder

Now helm-finder fetchs keywords from all packages, not only built-in and allows installing from there.

1.2.2. helm-popup-tip-mode is now usable in any source having the popup-info attribute

In addition of the various helm-grep-* now helm-man-woman and helm-find-files can benefit of this mode.

1.2.3. New command helm-outline to navigate buffers according to outline-regexp
1.2.4. New helm grep ag action to search results from the helm ag/rg session

This allows filtering the current results to another pattern or to specific file.

1.2.5. New helm grep ag action to launch ag/rg on parent directory of current search
1.2.6. Packages can now be (re)installed/upgraded asynchronously from helm-packages

It is now the default, you can customize this with helm-packages-async.

1.2.7. Helm-find-files persistent delete uses now a read-answer prompt

It is now possible to answer "!" (yes for all) when using marked candidates, this for the file deletion itself and also for the kill buffer question.

1.2.8. Allow saving selection when deleting minibuffer contents

This is now possible with a prefix arg given when position is at eol in minibuffer. This allow for example showing all candidates keeping current selection in helm-ls-git log after a search.

1.2.9. Save files opened from etags and fd in file-name-history
1.2.10. Provide help in helm-read-answer
1.2.11. Disable helm for read-multiple-choice–long-answers

1.3. Version 3.9.9

1.3.1. Change prefix arg behavior of helm-show-all-candidates-in-source

With a prefix arg show all candidates, with a numeric prefix arg show ARG number of candidates, and with no prefix arg show only helm-candidate-number-limit of candidates.

1.3.2. Get rid of popup.el dependency
1.3.3. helm-completion-styles-alist accepts commands for completion-in-region
1.3.4. Minibuffer-contents change color in HFF when updating

This is controlled by helm-ff-dim-prompt-on-update user variable.

1.3.5. Now new file and dir have a dummy source in HFF, same for completing-read's

and read-file-name.

1.3.6. helm-info-at-point shows index of current page in addition of default

So it can safely be used as a replacement of "i" in Info.

1.3.7. Add affixation function for eww (emacs-30 only)

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