NonGNU-devel ELPA - dart-mode

dart-mode Atom Feed

Major mode for editing Dart files
dart-mode- (.sig), 2025-Feb-24, 50.0 KiB
Jen-Chieh Shen <>
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To install this package from Emacs, use package-install or list-packages.

Full description

This package implements a major-mode for the Dart language,
providing basic syntax highlighting and indentation support.

Old versions

dart-mode- KiB
dart-mode- KiB
dart-mode- KiB
dart-mode- KiB
dart-mode- KiB
dart-mode- KiB
dart-mode- KiB
dart-mode- KiB
dart-mode- KiB
dart-mode- KiB



  • Added a dart-show-hover command bound to C-c ? which displays information about the Dart API under the cursor.

  • Added a dart-goto command bound to C-c C-g which takes the user to the definition of the Dart API under the cursor.

  • Added a dart-find-refs command bound to C-c C-f which shows a list of references to the Dart API under the cursor.

  • Added a dart-find-member-decls command bound to C-c C-e which shows a list of declarations of members with a given name.

  • Added a dart-find-top-level-decls command bound to C-c C-t which shows a list of declarations of top-level elements with a given name.

  • Added a dart-find-member-refs command bound to C-c C-r which shows a list of references to members with a given name.

  • Added a dart-expand command bound to M-/ which cycles through possible completions for the text typed by the user, as well as a dart-expand-parameters command bound to M-? which inserts the parameter list for the chosen completion.

  • The dart-format command is now bound to M-o.

  • Added a dart-sdk-path variable.

  • dart-executable-path is now a function rather than a variable, so that it updates when dart-sdk-path is updated.

  • The dartfmt-command variable has been replaced by the dart-formatter-command (for invoking the formatter) function and the dart-formatter-command-override variable (for customizing the formatter location).

  • The dartfmt command been renamed to dart-format.

  • The dartfmt-args variable has been replaced with the dart-formatter-line-length variable.

  • The dartfmt-show-errors variable has been renamed to dart-formatter-show-errors.

  • The dartfmt-before-save function has been removed. Customize the dart-format-on-save variable instead..

  • The dart-analysis-server-snapshot-path variable has been removed.

  • The dartfmt-compilation-regexp variable has been removed.