NonGNU-devel ELPA - clojure-ts-mode

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Major mode for Clojure code
clojure-ts-mode- (.sig), 2025-Feb-16, 240 KiB
Danny Freeman <>
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Full description

NonGNU ELPA MELPA Stable MELPA License GPL 3 Lint Status

Clojure Tree-Sitter Mode

clojure-ts-mode is an Emacs major mode that provides font-lock (syntax highlighting), indentation, and navigation support for the Clojure(Script) programming language, powered by the tree-sitter-clojure tree-sitter grammar.


To see a list of available configuration options do M-x customize-group <RET> clojure-ts.

Most configuration changes will require reverting any active clojure-ts-mode buffers.


clojure-ts-mode currently supports 2 different indentation strategies:

Set the var clojure-ts-indent-style to change it.

(setq clojure-ts-indent-style 'fixed)

Note: You can find this article comparing semantic and fixed indentation useful.

Font Locking

To highlight entire rich comment expression with the comment font face, set

(setq clojure-ts-comment-macro-font-lock-body t)

By default this is nil, so that anything within a comment expression is highlighted like regular clojure code.

Highlight markdown syntax in docstrings

By default markdown syntax is highlighted in the docstrings using markdown_inline grammar. To disable this feature set

(setopt clojure-ts-use-markdown-inline nil)
Navigation and Evaluation

To make forms inside of (comment ...) forms appear as top-level forms for evaluation and navigation, set

(setq clojure-ts-toplevel-inside-comment-form t)
Fill paragraph

To change the maximal line length used by M-x prog-fill-reindent-defun (also bound to M-q by default) to reformat docstrings and comments it's possible to customize clojure-ts-fill-paragraph variable (by default set to the value of Emacs' fill-paragraph value).

Every new line in the docstrings is indented by clojure-ts-docstring-fill-prefix-width number of spaces (set to 2 by default which matches the clojure-mode settings).


clojure-mode has served us well for a very long time, but it suffers from a few long-standing problems, related to Emacs limitations baked into its design. The introduction of built-in support for Tree-sitter in Emacs 29 provides a natural opportunity to address many of them. Enter clojure-ts-mode.

Keep in mind that the transition to clojure-ts-mode won't happen overnight for several reasons:

  • getting to feature parity with clojure-mode will take some time
  • tools that depend on clojure-mode will need to be updated to work with clojure-ts-mode
  • we still need to support users of older Emacs versions that don't support Tree-sitter

That's why clojure-ts-mode is being developed independently of clojure-mode and will one day replace it when the time is right. (e.g. 3 major Emacs version down the road, so circa Emacs 32)

You can read more about the vision for clojure-ts-mode here.

Current Status

This library is still under development. Breaking changes should be expected.


Emacs 29

This package requires Emacs 29 built with tree-sitter support from the emacs-29 branch.

If you decide to build Emacs from source there's some useful information on this in the Emacs repository: - Emacs tree-sitter starter-guide - Emacs install instructions.

To check if your Emacs supports tree sitter run the following (e.g. by using M-:):

Install clojure-ts-mode

clojure-ts-mode is available on MElPA and NonGNU ELPA. It can be installed with

(package-install 'clojure-ts-mode)

Emacs 29 also includes package-vc-install, so you can run

(package-vc-install "")

to install this package from source.

Manual installation

You can install it by cloning the repository and adding it to your load path.

git clone
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/path/to/clojure-ts-mode/")

Once installed, evaluate clojure-ts-mode.el and you should be ready to go.

Install tree-sitter grammars

The compile tree-sitter clojure shared library must be available to Emacs. Additionally, the tree-sitter markdown_inline shared library will also be used for docstrings if available.

If you have git and a C compiler (cc) available on your system's PATH, then these steps should not be necessary. clojure-ts-mode will install the grammars when you first open a Clojure file and clojure-ts-ensure-grammars is set to t (the default).

If clojure-ts-mode fails to automatically install the grammar, you have the option to install it manually.

From your OS

Some distributions may package the tree-sitter-clojure grammar in their package repositories. If yours does you may be able to install tree-sitter-clojure with your system package manager.

If the version packaged by your OS is out of date, you may see errors in the *Messages* buffer or your clojure buffers will not have any syntax highlighting.

If this happens you should install the grammar manually with M-x treesit-install-language-grammar <RET> clojure and follow the prompts. Recommended values for these prompts can be seen in clojure-ts-grammar-recipes.

Compile From Source

If all else fails, you can attempt to download and compile manually. All you need is git and a C compiler (GCC works well).

To start, clone tree-sitter-clojure.

Then run the following code (depending on your OS) from the tree-sitter-clojure repository on your machine.

mkdir -p dist
cc -c -I./src src/parser.c -o "parser.o"
cc -fPIC -shared src/parser.o -o "dist/"
mkdir -p dist
cc -c -I./src src/parser.c -o "parser.o"
cc -fPIC -shared src/parser.o -o "dist/libtree-sitter-clojure.dylib"

I don't know how to do this on Windows. Patches welcome!

Finally, in emacs

Then tell Emacs where to find the shared library by adding something like this to your init file:

(setq treesit-extra-load-path '( "~/path/to/tree-sitter-clojure/dist"))

OR you can move the to a directory named tree-sitter under your user-emacs-directory (typically ~/.emacs.d on Unix systems).

Migrating to clojure-ts-mode

If you are migrating to clojure-ts-mode note that clojure-mode is still required for cider and clj-refactor packages to work properly.

After installing the package do the following.

  • Check the value of clojure-mode-hook and copy all relevant hooks to clojure-ts-mode-hook.
(add-hook 'clojure-ts-mode-hook #'cider-mode)
(add-hook 'clojure-ts-mode-hook #'enable-paredit-mode)
(add-hook 'clojure-ts-mode-hook #'rainbow-delimiters-mode)
(add-hook 'clojure-ts-mode-hook #'clj-refactor-mode)
  • Update .dir-locals.el in all of your Clojure projects to activate directory local variables in clojure-ts-mode.
  (cider-clojure-cli-aliases . ":test:repl"))
  (cider-clojure-cli-aliases . ":test:repl")))

Frequently Asked Questions

Does clojure-ts-mode work with CIDER?

Yes! Preliminary support for clojure-ts-mode was released in CIDER 1.14. Make sure to grab the latest CIDER from MELPA/GitHub. Note that clojure-mode is still needed for some APIs that haven't yet been ported to clojure-ts-mode.

For now, when you take care of the keybindings for the CIDER commands you use and ensure cider-mode is enabled for clojure-ts-mode buffers in your config, most functionality should already work:

(add-hook 'clojure-ts-mode-hook #'cider-mode)

Check out this article for more details.

Does clojure-ts-mode work with inf-clojure?

Currently, there is an open PR adding support for inf-clojure.


Copyright © 2022-2024 Danny Freeman and contributors.

Distributed under the GNU General Public License; type C-h C-c to view it.

Old versions

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main (unreleased)

  • [#38]: Add support for in-ns forms in clojure-ts-find-ns.
  • [#46]: Fix missing comment-add variable in clojure-ts-mode-variables mentioned in [#26]
  • Add imenu support for deftest definitions.
  • [#53]: Let clojure-ts-mode derive from clojure-mode for Emacs 30+.
  • [#42]: Fix imenu support for definitions with metadata.
  • [#42]: Fix font locking of definitions with metadata
  • [#42]: Fix indentation of definitions with metadata
  • Fix semantic indentation of quoted functions
  • Add custom fill-paragraph-function which respects docstrings similar to clojure-mode.
  • Add customization option to disable markdown syntax highlighting in the docstrings.

0.2.2 (2024-02-16)

  • [#37]: Fix derived modes broken with [#36].

0.2.1 (2024-02-14)

  • [#36]: Rename all derived mode vars to match the package prefix.
    • clojurescript-ts-mode -> clojure-ts-clojurescript-mode
    • clojurec-ts-mode -> clojure-ts-clojurec-mode
    • clojure-dart-ts-mode -> clojure-ts-clojuredart-mode
    • clojure-jank-ts-mode -> clojure-ts-jank-mode
  • [#30]: Add custom option clojure-ts-toplevel-inside-comment-form as an equivalent to clojure-toplevel-inside-comment-form in clojure-mode.
  • [#32]: Change behavior of beginning-of-defun and end-of-defun to consider all Clojure sexps as defuns.

